Sarah Freeman Coaching

Fearless Warrior Swim Squad

FWSS has been running in the Bow Valley for over 10 years! We are about community, connection, and a space for everyone to feel welcome. We are not a competitive squad, we are a group of swimmers who love to connect and take time out to nurture ourselves through swimming and water. Yes, we get in a workout, but we take the time to foster ongoing friendships in the pool and out.

Are you looking to swim with a fun group? Get in a good swim workout? Improve your swimming skills? Maybe Move through a lingering fear in the water and take this learning and self-confidence into the open water? Improve your fitness? Learn skills to apply not only in the pool but also off the pool deck. If one of these resonates, then FWSS is for you!

Please note you must be between novice - intermediate swimmer to attend FWSS.

Dive into Fearless Warrior Swim Squad in Canmore Alberta, at Elevation Place!

Keep scrolling down to read important details about FWSS!

Welcome to Fearless Warrior Swim Squad (FWSS)!

Please email me to be added to the email list for the FWSS sign-up notifications.

Registration is now open! To sign up send an email to

Tuesday’s 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm February 4, 11, 18, 25 2025

Thursday’s 8:00 am - 9:00 am Feburary 6, 13, 20, 27 2025

Investment for each 4-week FWSS block is $111

Please note: There are no refunds if you are unable to attend all FWSS

To get started, send me an email, or sign up for a free connection call