How to make it happen as a woman in your 40’s.

I always thought that the 20’s were supposed to be the best time in your life! Don’t get me wrong, there were some good times, but I was young and naive,  And I thought I knew it all. I mean, I was married, had a career, a house, and had travelled some. HECK no, the 30’s were where I started to thrive into the woman I wanted to start to become, and then the 40’s arrive! This is where life really started for me, where life got real.

By the time I turned 40, I had gone through sooo much in life. My first marriage, two homes, career changes, Ironman’s, becoming a coach, & more! When I turned 40, I felt like I was starting to live the life I wanted to live, move into my own self, become who I wanted to be. Be braver, found true love, started my coaching practice. There is something empowering about being in your 40’s as a woman. Being stronger, but also take no shit, at the same time softer and calmer inside, with grace. Not afraid to live whole-heartedly into a new life. 

How did I make it happen in my 40’s? I accepted change. I learned to forgive, became more vulnerable with people close to me, and started using the word “ta-da” a ton more! Especially with the kiddos! I reached out for help to get through the yucky stuff from my past, accept who I am today, and take time for myself. I put things into action and turned my dreams into goals. (I now have a successful coaching practice, & a new podcast going live at the end of May called “RAW” rad,active,women).

I have clear boundaries in my life. If it is not a heck yes and aligns with my values, then the answer is firm no. I don’t take on things that deflate me. I take weekends off to do things for myself and be with my family. My daily ritual Mon-Fri is where I take 90 minutes for myself to meditate, enjoy a warm shower, drink coffee with my husband, and walk Leo, or journal. I also take time during the week 5-6 days to be active, in the past it use mean training hard for an event, but since the pandemic it has been “be active” get outside for an adventure & swim a couple times a week with no big expectations of myself, for now I except this change.

If you are in your 40’s or about to turn 40, embrace this time. Don’t be afraid to go after that big audacious dream or goal! Set healthy boundaries for you! Create more time with your partner, plan weekly date nights, and close the door for more intimacy together (get a lock on the door if you have kids). Basically, your 40’s is the time to make shit happen! Do the things that you are hiding behind your heart, not with perfection, but imperfection. BE 100% ALL OF YOU. You deserve this, to feel alive, and to not only be thinking about your dreams but also living them out in real life.

Much Love & bold vibes,

Sarah Freeman Coaching  xo

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